
Definition of Talent and Classification

Definition of Talent and Classification
Talent is an ability that every human has to learn something very quickly in a short time compared to others and has better results. Talent has been owned by every human being he was born into this world. There are a variety of talents owned by someone who is smart in things like painting, singing, updating and so forth.

Understanding Talent According to Experts and Types of Classification
Humans born into this world have different steps and attitudes, such behavior and behavior sometimes makes other people amazed. These attitudes and attitudes are different in each person there is a quiet, jovial and so on. There are some activities or jobs that are done well and even perfectly done by certain people.
In carrying out certain activities or tasks someone can do it perfectly and some call it talented. Now to be able to better understand or understand what talents are we will explain the following.

Understanding Talent According to Experts
Talent in this case has different meanings, for more details just look at the notion of talent according to some experts, including:

According to William B. Michael "Suryabrata 1995"
Talent is the capacity in a person in carrying out their duties and performs with the influence of the practice they live.
According to Crow and crow "1989"
Talent is a quality in humans who have various and different levels.
According to Brigham "Suryabrata 1995"
Talent is a center of gravity that has been owned by every individual who has gained from training in terms of performance or performance.
According to Woodworth & Marquis "Surabaya 1995"
Talent is an achievement that can be predicted and in addition to being predicted can also be measured by conducting special tests, the ability in humans is called talent.
According to Guilford (1959)
states that "Talent is related to the ability to do something"
According to (Notoatmodjo, 1997)
"Talent is one of human capabilities (achievement, capacity, and aptitude)"
According to Utami Munandar "1987"
That talent can be interpreted as an innate ability, as a potential that still needs to be developed and trained in order to be realized.
According to Sarwono "1986"
It was argued that talent is a condition in a person that enables him with a special training to achieve special skills, knowledge and skills.
According to the KBBI
Talent is the basis of "intelligence, character and nature" that is carried from birth.
According to Freeman (1963)
talent is a trait that gives a clue to one's abilities, which through practice can be realized into tangible abilities, especially in special fields, for example in the fields of language, music and engineering.
In the opinion of Bingham (1968)
where he defines talent as a condition or ability possessed by someone who allows him with a special training to obtain a skill, knowledge and special skills, for example language skills, the ability to play music or create music.
(Conny Semiawan et al, 1984).
"Talent as aptitude is usually interpreted as an innate ability which is a potential (potential ability) that still needs to be developed or trained".
The types of talent include the following:
General talent, is the ability in the form of basic potential that is general, meaning that everyone has.
Special talent, is an ability in the form of special potential, meaning that not everyone has for example artistic talent, leaders, speakers, sports.