
Abstract and Talent Space Relations

Abstract and Talent Space Relations
In addition, other special talents, namely:
Verbal Talent
Talent about concepts expressed in the form of words.

Numerical Talent
Talent about concepts in the form of numbers.

Scholastic Talent
Combination of words (logic) and numbers. The ability in reasoning, sorting, thinking in causal patterns, creating hypotheses, looking for conceptual regularities or numerical patterns, his outlook on life is generally rational. This is the intelligence of scientists, accountants, and computer programmers (Newton, Einstein, etc.)

Abstract and Talent Space Relations
Talents that are not words or numbers but are in the form of patterns, designs, diagrams, measurements, shapes and positions.

Mechanical talent
Talent about general principles of Natural Sciences, work procedures of machines, tools and other tools.

Talent Space Relations (spatial)
Talent to observe, tell two-dimensional patterns or think in 3 dimensions. Having a sharp sensitivity to visual details and being able to portray something so lively, painting or sketching ideas clearly, and easily adjusting orientation in three-dimensional space. This is the intelligence of architects, photographers, artists, pilots and mechanical engineers. (Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso, Ansel Adams, etc.)

Talent clerical accuracy speed
Talent about writing assignments, concocting for laboratories, offices and others.

Language talent (linguistics)
Talent about language analytical reasoning (literary experts) for example for journalism, stenography, broadcasting, editing, law, salespeople and others - others.

Talent Classification
Factors That Influence Talent Development
Talent develops as a result of the interaction of factors that originate from within the individual and from his environment. If the two factors are mutually supportive, the existing talent will be able to develop optimally. Which of the two factors has the most influence, it is very difficult to determine precisely.

Factors originating from individual self that influence the development of talent, include:
The ability or potential of an individual carried from birth. The innate factor will largely determine the formation and development of one's talents. The ability that a person has is determined by innate factors and that ability will only be able to develop to certain extent. The environment will not be able to change the shape of humans beyond the limits of human capabilities.
The interest of the individual concerned. A particular talent will not develop properly if it is not accompanied by a high enough interest in the field or in accordance with the talent. For example someone who has quite a high talent as a mechanical expert, if this is not or is less interested in things - related to the machine, then the talent will not be able to develop properly.
Individual motivation. A talent will become less developed or will not stand out if it is not accompanied by a high enough motivation to actualize it, because motivation is closely related to one's fighting ability to achieve a goal.
The value of life that an individual has. What is meant by the value of life here is how a person gives meaning to something in his life, in this case related to talent as a movie star, his talent will not be able to develop properly if he gives a negative meaning to the profession as a movie star.
Individual personality. This personality factor also plays an important role for the development of one's talents, for example self-concept, self-confidence, tenacity or determination in trying, willingness to accept criticism and advice in order to achieve high success.
Maturity. Certain talent will develop well when it is approaching or stepping on the sensitivity period. One thing that is difficult for us is in determining when the time (at what age) a certain ability or talent is ripe to be developed or trained, because for each ability and for each person the motivation is not necessarily or not always the same.