
Example Argument Paragraph

Example Argument Paragraph
In material, we recognize 5 different types of paragraphs based on the author's objectives, namely:
Narrative paragraph
Paragraph Description
Exposition Paragraph
Argument Paragraph
Persuasion Paragraphs

This time we will focus on discussing paragraphs of argument. The word argumentation comes from English, that is "argumentation" which means reason, explanation, description, or proof. So, argumentation is giving a strong and convincing reason. Therefore, the discourse that we call argumentation is a discourse (essay) that presents reasons, examples, and strong and convincing evidence, so that people will be influenced and justify our opinions, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. Finally, he will do according to our will.
Argumentation is a description or writing that seeks to prove the truth of something, or to reject an attorney. The target to be achieved is to influence the attitudes and opinions of readers or listeners so that they change attitudes and adapt them to the attitudes of writers and authors. Thus, the argument emphasizes the evidences of what is stated.

Definition of Argument Paragraph
Argument paragraphs are types of paragraphs that express the ideas, ideas, or opinions of the author accompanied by evidence and facts that actually happened.
According to Priyatni (2008: 148), argumentation paragraphs are paragraphs aimed at convincing something to the reader.
Argument paragraphs are paragraphs or essays that prove the truth about something.
According to Keraf (1996: 76) the argumentation paragraph is a paragraph that aims to maintain the truth and opinions of the readers to behave and think like the author.
Argumentation is an essay that aims to prove the truth of an opinion / conclusion with data / facts as reasons / evidence.
Argument paragraphs are paragraphs or essays that prove the truth about something.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, argumentation is a reason to reinforce or reject an opinion, opinion, or idea.
Based on the six definitions of the arguments paragraph above, it can be concluded that the arguments paragraph is a paragraph that expresses an author's ideas, ideas or opinions about something that is accompanied by evidence or facts that actually happened and aims to convince the reader of the truth of something.

Characteristics of Argument Paragraphs
explain opinions so that readers are sure,
need facts for proof in the form of pictures / graphics, etc.,
explore the source of ideas from observation, experience, and research,
Concluding remarks.
there are statements, ideas, or opinions expressed by the author,
there are reasons, data, or facts that support,
justification based on data and facts submitted.

Purpose of Writing Argument Paragraphs
To express the ideas, views, or ideas of the author
To encourage or prevent someone from doing something
To influence reader behavior
To attract readers' sympathy
To make the reader confident of the writer's idea

Structure Writing Argument Paragraphs
Introduction aims to attract the attention of the reader, focus the attention of the reader on the argument to be conveyed, or show the basics why the argument was put forward.
The body aims to prove the truth that will be conveyed in paragraphs of argument so that the conclusions to be reached are also true. The truth that is conveyed in the body of the argument must be analyzed, arranged, and stated by making observations, experiments, composing facts, and logical thinking.
The conclusion or summary aims to prove to the reader that the truth to be conveyed through the process of reasoning can indeed be accepted as something logical.
Data and facts used to compile discourse or argumentation paragraphs can be obtained through interviews, questionnaires, observations, field research, and library research. At the end of a paragraph or essay, conclusions need to be presented. This conclusion distinguishes the argument from the exposition.

Make a topic first
Set a goal essay
Conduct field observations
Make a skeleton outline
Develop a skeletal framework
Make conclusions