
Benefits of Argument Paragraphs

Benefits of Argument Paragraphs
Argument paragraphs are usually used to write scientific papers.
In addition, the paragraph of argument is also used when we criticize something.

Pattern of Argument Paragraph Development
Some patterns of paragraph argument development, namely:
Patterns of Analogy / Comparison -> inductive reasoning by comparing two things that have many similarities.
Generalization / General Pattern -> inductive reasoning by drawing general conclusions based on a number of data.
The Pattern of Cause and Effect -> starts with the specific facts that are causes, coming to conclusions that are the results.
The Pattern of Causation -> begins with the fact that is considered to be an effect, then goes to the cause caused by the effect.

Example 1 (Analogy / Comparison Pattern)
Human nature is like rice that is spread out in a vast rice field. When humans achieve intelligence, greatness, and wealth, their nature will be humble and generous. Likewise with rice that is increasingly contained, he will be increasingly crouching. If the rice is empty, it will stand up straight.

Example 2 (Generalization / General Pattern)
After the essays of 8th grade children were examined, it turned out that Ali, Toto, Alex, and Burhan got a value of 8. The other children got a grade of 7. Only Maman got a grade of 6, and no one got any grades. It can be said, 8th graders are quite good at writing.

Example 3 (Causal Pattern)
This year's dry season is quite long. Previously, many trees in the forest as water absorbent were cut down. Besides that, irrigation in this village is not that clear. Coupled with the increasingly expensive fertilizer prices and the lack of knowledge of farmers in working on agricultural land. Therefore, it is not surprising that the harvest in this village always fails.

Example 4 (Pattern of Effect)
The number of street children in big cities is increasing every day. They filled the main streets in the city center with all their behavior and actions. A variety of ways they do in order to survive on the streets, from the polite to the most brutal. They roam the streets and make a living by begging. This phenomenon began to appear symptomatic when the economic crisis hit our country. The prolonged crisis is the cause of life difficulties in all sectors / fields.

Example Paragraphs of Short Arguments About Education and Its Structure
According to Iskandar, it is time for the community to change the paradigm so that junior high school graduates do not go into high school. If you are more talented on the professional track you should choose SMK. He reminded a number of risks for junior high school graduates who carelessly continue school. For example, a junior high school graduate who does not have the potential of talent-interest in the academic path through college, but is forced to enter high school, he will not pass the UAN because it is difficult to attend high school. Without passing the UAN, it is impossible to get to college. In the end they will become unemployed because studying in high school does not provide provisions for work. (1)
Maintaining soil fertility is an absolute requirement for every agricultural business. As long as plants are in the process of producing, this soil fertility will be reduced. Even though soil fertility must be improved again by fertilizing and using the land as well as possible. The best example of how to use land and how to maintain its fertility, can be found in forests that have not been cultivated by farmers. (2)
The spirit of heroism must always be nurtured and developed because of the spirit of heroism. Development in our country can run successfully. The spirit of heroism will develop into noble values, personality traits, big spirited, responsible, dedicated, loyal, tough, and love towards others. All these characteristics are needed to support development in various fields. (3)